Create a World with Immersive Speech

Give your game characters real human voices so they can tell their inspiring stories and captivate players. 

Generate AI Speech Within Unity with the Resemble AI Integration

Apply Emotions to your Speech within Unity

Play Audio right within the UI Pane and attach it to Assets in your Scene

Built with Resemble

Build Voices that Fit into your Character

Unique characters require identifiable voices. Resemble’s core Cloning engine makes it easy for developers to build voices and programmatically control them through the API or within Unity.

Upload Raw Audio*

If you already have audio from a Voice Talent that you’d like to bring on to our platform, we provide one-click upload functionality to clone speech from any given audio.

* You must provide valid consent from the voice talent in the file you upload.

An API that fits your Workflow

Rapidly build production-ready integrations with modern tools. Use Resemble’s API to fetch existing content, create new clips and even build voices on the fly.